Finally and after 5 years, I got my PhD in urban studies, it is a thesis about urban computing based in a Top-Down / Bottom-Up Methodology with the implementation of a Multiple Objective Evolutive Algorithm as part of a form finding strategy, the results offer the best street network shape and land use location in order to enhance the social sustainability of the new urban area.

esquema ingles

The Thesis is available under those lines, but only in the Spanish language, nevertheless, I will upload an abstract translated into English in the next couple of days.

Título de la Tesis: Método de renovación urbana a partir de la introducción de productos turísticos en zonas urbanas consolidadas

Thesis Title: Urban renewal methodology by the introducction of touristic products in urban areas

Programa de doctorado: Programa oficial de doctorado en Desarrollo Integral e Innovación de Destinos Turíticos

Doctorate Program: Oficial doctorate program in integral development and Innovation of touristic destinations

Tesis desarrollada dentro del grupo de investigación de Ordenación del Territorio y Turismo Responsable (OTTR) de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

Thesis developed under the research group Land Management and Responsible Tourism (OTTR) at the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

Director de Tesis: Dr. D. Eduardo Manuel Cáceres Morales

Thesis Director: Dr. D. Eduardo Manuel Cáceres Morales

Doctorando: Jorge Sainz de Aja Curbelo

PhD Candidate: Jorge Sainz de Aja Curbelo

Nota: Sobresaliente (19/09/2017)

Qualification: 9 over 10 (19/09/2017)

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